Preparatory year is available to all children of eligible age. Prep year is full-time and while not compulsory, it is recommended that students attend every day as this year provides the essential foundations to prepare children for Year 1.
Children need to turn five by 30 June in the year they are enrolled in Prep. View the Department's online calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.
Early entry may be negotiated only in certain circumstances.
Children may be enrolled in prep at any time through the year. After enrolling your child, you will be contacted in October/November to make an appointment for you and your child to attend an interview with the Principal. You will need to bring your child for the meeting.
At the enrolment interview, we will complete all enrolment paperwork, view your child's original birth certificate, discuss important policies and procedures and take you on a tour of the school.
Prep orientation days and Open days will be held later in the year.