The school library provides a comprehensive service for the whole school community by providing curriculum resources to teachers and research materials to students and books for reading relaxation for all.
Our library collection is computerised and students and teachers have the opportunity to search for resources using classroom computers.
We endeavour to purchase resources that support our current curriculum areas, but we also acquire suitable reading materials for the enjoyment and interest of our students.
Classes borrow in class time once a week, however students are welcome to borrow more frequently during lunchtimes.
Students form Prep to Year 2 may borrow one book for one week, while Years 3 to 7 may borrow two books at a time for two weeks.

As the resources purchased by our library have to serve many students over a long period of time, we encourage our students to look after our books. Please help your child by having a place at home where their book will be safe from pets, little brothers or sisters and visiting children. All students need a waterproof library bag or plastic sleeve folder for borrowing to prevent damage from leaking water bottles and food. No Bag - no borrowing.
The school policy for damaged or lost resources is the payment of the equivalent replacement value, before students are allowed to borrow again. Letters for request of payment will be sent home.